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Bracers Of Defense (rare, Dmg 156)

Bracers Of Defense (rare, Dmg 156)

Magic Itemsbracers of defense AC 5, magic-user scroll of stoneskin, potion of fire resistance (immune to natural fire; -2 damage/die from extreme and magical heat with +4 saves; 1 turn duration), +1 quarterstaff (S-M: 1d6; L: 1d6; length: 7'; space required: 3'; speed factor: 4), +1 ring of protection (-1 AC; +1 saving throws), wand of wonder (93 charges)

Bracers Of Defense (rare, Dmg 156)

Clothing belt (3 sp), cap (1 sp), cloak (5 sp), low soft boots (8 sp), robe (6 sp)

Re: Amulet of Mage Armor - What rarity would it be? Why does it need to cast the spell? You could make it an attuned item with the language, 'while you are wearing and attuned to this item and you are not wearing armor or wielding a shield, your Armor Class becomes 13 + your Dexterity modifier.' It's assumed that you'd be wearing the bracers with this neck. If you wore bracers and this neck versus medallion of steadfast might, I would give it to this purely because pure defense isn't all that's needed on a tank. 4% block is nothing to scoff at, if you think blocking sucks, just look at a styleen's.

Bracers Of Defense (rare Dmg 156) Pc

Non-Magic Items crowbar (3 gp), 10 darts (S-M: 1d3; L: 1d2; ROF: 3; Range: 1.5/3/4.5) (5 sp each), hammer (3 gp), iron rations (14 days) (10 gp), 5 iron spikes (1 cp each), leather backpack (2 gp), leather scroll case (15 sp), rope (50') (4 sp), small belt pouch (15 sp), 2 small sacks (10 cp each), 15 tallow candles (1 cp each), tinder box (1 gp), 5 torches (1 cp each), waterskin (15 sp), whistle (1 sp)

Mount bit and bridle (15 sp), harness (12 sp), horse meal grain (14 days) (14 sp), large saddle bags (4 gp), saddle (10 gp), saddle blanket (3 sp)


Bracers Of Defense (rare Dmg 156) Free

Riding Horse: AC 7; MV 24'; HD 2; hp 9; THAC0 16; #AT 2 hooves; Dmg 1d4/1d4; SZ Large

Bracers Of Defense (rare Dmg 156) Download

PP 10; GP 10; EP 10; SP 10; CP 10
Gems & Jewelry None
Art Objects None
Other None